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FS Academy
FS Academy - Commander MSFS Keep your cool in the face of adversity. FS Academy - Commander will arm you with the framework to deal with anything fate throws your way, made by a real airline Captain. Including emergency landings, system malfunctions, hazardous...
22,32 € *
FS Academy
FS Academy - Navigator MSFS FS ACADEMY - NAVIGATOR is an all-new tutorial pack designed to add a new dimension to your flying, enabling you to navigate cross-country using real techniques to find your way. Escape the shackles of the airfield circuit and spread your...
22,32 € *
FS Academy
FS Academy - Jetliner MSFS Jetliner is an all-new, study-level mission package to introduce you to airline operations and jet aircraft. Brought to you by a real A320 captain, Jetliner provides an authentic and realistic environment to learn how to handle the big...
22,32 € *
FS Academy
FS Academy - VFR MSFS Flight training missions return, all new and better than ever, with FS Academy - VFR for Microsoft Flight Simulator. VFR is an all-new, study-level package to coach you step-by-step into the varied and rewarding world of flying visually...
22,32 € *
FS Academy
FS Academy - IFR MSFS Instrument flight training missions return, better than ever, with FS Academy - IFR for Microsoft Flight Simulator. IFR is an all-new, study-level package to take your skills to the next level. Produced by a real airline captain, IFR...
22,32 € *
FS Academy
FS Academy - Voyager MSFS Now fully updated and expanded as complete Bush Trips with Jeppesen Charts. Take in our breath-taking world by embarking on a series of 7 Bush Trips across some of the most iconic locations. Cruise past the skyscrapers of NYC, gaze deep...
8,90 € *