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FS2Crew: Microsoft ATR Edition MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS2Crew: Microsoft ATR Edition MSFS
LEVEL UP YOUR MICROSOFT ATR WITH CAPTAIN MAGNAR! Designed in close coordination with the world's most famous ATR Pilot, Magnar! It also features Magnar's voice. This product is for the Windows PC version of the Microsoft ATR, it does not...
  29,74 € * 35,69 € *
FS2Crew: Animated Co Pilot - Fenix Airbus MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator + Fenix A320
FS2Crew: Animated Co Pilot - Fenix Airbus MSFS
Meet your new animated co-pilot for the Fenix Airbus! IMPORTANT This is an expansion pack for FS2Crew: Fenix A320 Edition MSFS You must own and have activated FS2Crew: Fenix A320 Edition to use this product (the human AI co-pilot model)...
  23,79 € *
FS2Crew: Animated First Officer - FBW A32NX Project Edition MSFS
FS2Crew: Animated First Officer - FBW A32NX...
THE FUTURE IS HERE - THIS IS THE NEXT LEVEL IN THE FLIGHT SIMULATOR CO-PILOT GENRE… IMPORTANT: This is an expansion pack for FSCrew: FlyByWire A32NX Project Edition MSFS You must own and have activated the A32NX Project Edition to use...
  23,79 € *
FS2Crew: Fenix A320 Edition MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator + Fenix A320
FS2Crew: Fenix A320 Edition MSFS
Starting flying the Fenix Airbus A320 for MSFS like a real Airbus Pilot with this exciting new expansion pack from FS2Crew! FS2Crew adds a voice and button controlled flight crew to the Fenix Airbus with multiple international voice...
  35,69 € *
FS2Crew: Leonardo Maddog X Edition MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator + Fly the Maddog X
FS2Crew: Leonardo Maddog X Edition MSFS
Starting flying the Leonardo Maddog X for MSFS like a real Maddog Pilot with this exciting new expansion pack from FS2Crew! Don’t walk your MadDog alone – bring the Crew! The Maddog for MSFS is one of the best -and deepest- commercial...
  35,69 € *
FS2Crew: FlyByWire A32NX Project Edition MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS2Crew: FlyByWire A32NX Project Edition MSFS
All new totally re-engineered Voice and Button controlled flight crew simulation for the FBW A32NX Project! Fly like a real Airbus pilot! Completely re-engineered from top-to-bottom for MSFS with over 40,000 lines of brand new code,...
  35,69 € *
FS2Crew: RAAS Professional MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS2Crew: RAAS Professional MSFS
Make your flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator safer and more realistic by adding RAAS to your aircraft! RAAS Professional (Runway Awareness and Advisory System) models the aural ‘Smart Landing’ and ‘Smart Runway’ calls included in the...
  35,69 € *
FS2Crew: Aerosoft CRJ Edition MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator + Aerosoft CRJ
FS2Crew: Aerosoft CRJ Edition MSFS
Your new Flight Crew for the MSFS version of Aerosoft's CRJ series has just boarded! Take your Aerosoft CRJ MSFS to the next level with FS2Crew, and fly your CRJ with a fully interactive flight, cabin and ground crew using Voice or...
  35,69 € *
FS2Crew: FSX/P3D All Access Pack
FS2Crew: FSX/P3D All Access Pack
All the best FS2Crew products for FSX and Prepar3D in one single pack at one super low price! For FSX and Prepar 3D users, this is your chance to get over 400 euros worth of FS2Crew product for one amazing price. This pack represents our...
  35,69 € *
FS2Crew: Pushback Express MSFS
Microsoft Flight Simulator
FS2Crew: Pushback Express MSFS
Lernen Sie das erste -und letzte- Pushback-System kennen, das Sie jemals für den neuen Microsoft Flight Simulator benötigen werden! Einfach und elegant, ohne dass komplexe Handbücher erfoderlich sind, erfüllt Pusback Express alle Ihre...
  23,79 € *
FS2Crew: Ultimate Ground Crew X
FS2Crew: Ultimate Ground Crew X
Das lange Warten hat endlich ein Ende..Das aufregendste, leistungsfähigste und funktionsreichste Ground Crew ADd-on für FSX & P3D ist ab sofort verfügbar! Erleben Sie den Unterschied und etwas Neues! Bringen Sie Ihren...
  47,54 € *