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Pro Flight Trainer
Pro Flight Trainer - PUMA X A-Style Snap Action The Pro Flight Trainer PUMA X A-Style SnapAction is a single pilot, 8 axes HID USB Helicopter Control Device that provides advanced immersion in a realistic helicopter cockpit and reproduces very realistic control inputs compared to real...
2 168,06 € *
Pro Flight Trainer
Pro Flight Trainer - PUMA X2 A-Style Snap Action The Pro Flight Trainer PUMA X A-Style SnapAction is a single pilot, 8 axes HID USB Helicopter Control Device that provides advanced immersion in a realistic helicopter cockpit and reproduces very realistic control inputs compared to real...
2 268,90 € *
Pro Flight Trainer
Pro Flight Trainer - PUMA X B-Style The Pro Flight Trainer PUMA X B-Style is a single pilot, USB Helicopter Control Device that provides advanced immersion in a realistic helicopter cockpit and reproduce very realistic controls inputs compared to real operations. The 5th...
1 815,12 € *
Pro Flight Trainer
Pro Flight Trainer - PUMA X2 B-Style The Pro Flight Trainer PUMA X2 B Style is a single pilot, USB Helicopter Control Device that provides advanced immersion in a realistic helicopter cockpit and reproduce very realistic controls inputs compared to real operations. The 5th...
1 915,96 € *