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Cockpit Simulator - CS 320N FCU Desktop Stand
Cockpit Simulator
Cockpit Simulator - CS 320N FCU Desktop Stand
Um die Nutzung zu Hause zu erleichtern, bietet Cockpit Simulator einen passenden Desktop Stand für die CS 320N FCU-L , FCU-C und FCU-R an. Die Halterung bietet einen stabilen und praktischen Einbau für die beiden Geräte und ist durch die...
  299,99 € *
Simkits - Throttle/Mixture/Prop Controller - USB
Simkits - Throttle/Mixture/Prop Controller - USB
The USB Throttle Controller can be mounted with the Throttle, the Mixture and the Propeller adjust levers. It is ready to use and does not need any specific driver software since it is a so-called HID device and is recognized in Windows...
  179,99 € *
Simkits - 32-Digital Input USB Controller
Simkits - 32-Digital Input USB Controller
The 32 digital input controller is recognized under Windows as a standard Game Controller without any additional driver software. This product is compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020), X-Plane, FSX and Prepar3D as well as any...
  119,99 € *
Simkits - 6-Analog Input USB Controller
Simkits - 6-Analog Input USB Controller
The 6 Analog input controller is recognized under Windows as a standard 6-axis Game Controller without any additional driver software. With this device you can interface up to 6 analog inputs like potentiometers to any game that supports...
  119,99 € *
Simkits - Glareshield
Simkits - Glareshield
The TRC472 glareshield is made out of black, leatherprint, non flammable 3 mm. ABS and is vacuum formed. The middle section is cutted out to hold the metal panel and instruments. Mounting holes for the metal panel are pre-drilled....
  349,99 € *
Simkits - Panel TRC472 Painted/Printed
Simkits - Panel TRC472 Painted/Printed
This panel is made out of 2 mm. (approx. 0.08″) aluminium, thereafter powder coated for extreme resistance against damages and printed with black for the lower part and white for legends. It contains all the cut-outs as for the TRC472,...
  599,99 € *
Simkits - TRC472 Cabinet and Glareshield
Simkits - TRC472 Cabinet and Glareshield
The TRC472 Cabinet and Glareshield is a combination of the Glareshield which is vacuum formed from 5 mm., leather print, non flammable black ABS plastics in combination with an aluminium frame consisting of 3 mm. thick aluminium panels...
  829,99 € *
Thrustmaster - AVA Base
Thrustmaster - AVA Base
Kreieren Sie Ihren eigenen Pilotenstil mit AVA (Advanced Versatile Aviation) – der neuen High-End-Joystick-Basis von Thrustmaster, die für jeden Piloten und Luftfahrtstil individuell anpassbar ist! AVA passt sich Ihrem Stil an und sorgt...
  279,99 € *
Thrustmaster - AVA Desktop Plate
Thrustmaster - AVA Desktop Plate
Sorgen Sie für absolute Stabilität während Ihrer Flugsessions mit der Basisträgerplatte von Thrustmaster, der AVA Plate. Die einfache, stabile Anbringung bietet hervorragende Unterstützung und Stabilität für Ihre...
  29,99 € *
Thrustmaster - AVA Offset Adapter
Thrustmaster - AVA Offset Adapter
Erhöhen Sie den Realismus und den Komfort Ihrer Flugsessions mit einer Konfiguration des Joysticks in der zentralen Position. Mit dem AVA Offset Adapter können Sie die Ausrichtung des Joysticks auf der AVA-Basis auf 15° oder 30°...
  29,99 € *
CockpitCrafters - Octavi IFR-1 Bracket
Octavi IFR-1
CockpitCrafters - Octavi IFR-1 Bracket
Bringe Dein virtuelles Flugtraining mit dem Octavi IFR-1 auf ein neues Level – mit dem Aluminium-Bracket von CockpitCrafters! In enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Erfindern des IFR-1, haben die Home-Cockpit Entwickler von CockpitCrafters ein...
  39,99 € *
Pro Flight Trainer - PUMA X A-Style Snap Action
Pro Flight Trainer
Pro Flight Trainer - PUMA X A-Style Snap Action
The Pro Flight Trainer PUMA X A-Style SnapAction is a single pilot, 8 axes HID USB Helicopter Control Device that provides advanced immersion in a realistic helicopter cockpit and reproduces very realistic control inputs compared to real...
  2.149,99 € *
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