ToLiss - Airbus A340-600 XP

X-Plane 12/X-Plane 11
101,99 € *

Prix incl. 20% TVA

Disponible en tant que téléchargement immédiat

  • AS15574
  • ToLiss
  • English
  • 1.4.0
Licensed by Airbus - Most accurate system functionality for any A340 aircraft in the
Informations sur le produit "ToLiss - Airbus A340-600 XP"

Licensed by Airbus - Most accurate system functionality for any A340 aircraft in the flight simulation world!

Detailed FMGS:

  • 3 independent MCDUs providing real life FMGS programming capability
  • 2 independent autopilots
  • SID/STAR and airways support in a fully custom FMGS backbone supporting all A424 leg types (Arc, course or heading to intercept, Radius to Fix, Holdings, etc.)
  • Support for all approach types present in real life A340-600s, including GLS, ILS, LOC backcourse, etc.
  • Full VNAV guidance with TOC, TOD, Deceleration point, speed limits, fuel prediction, etc.
  • Altitude and speed constraints as the real aircraft deals with them
  • Support for Go-Arounds and diversions
  • Nav Aid autotuning
  • Pilot item database, such as pilot fixes, pilot navaids etc.
  • Flight plan saving via the Pilot routes page
  • Equitime point computation and nearest airports page

Accurate systems:

  • Fly-by-wire system with reversion between normal law and alternate law 1, alternate law 2 and direct law as per real life logics
  • Hydraulic model for flight control actuators computing hydraulic flow through the actuators, the control surface hinge moment, maximum feasible deflection etc. This gives realistic surface floating angles if a control surface is lost due to combinations of hydraulic and computer faults
  • Quantitative hydraulic model considering the maximum hydraulic flows of the different pumps as a function of engine speed. This is most noticeable when flying on RAT or with wind milling engines
  • Quantitative bleed model considering the bleed mass flow for engine start, wing anti-ice air conditioning packs etc.
  • High fidelity fuel system including inflight CG control by pumping fuel to and from the tail tank, fuel jettison, manual and automatic transfers between the different tanks
  • Detailled model of each ADIRU including alignment, small pressure sensor differences between the units, switching of sources for PFDs
  • Fault injection system allowing to trigger over 140 system faults either at a specific point in flight or randomly during a flight phase
  • Cockpit display system simulating the dependency of the displays on the Display management computers resulting in real life display limitations
  • ECAM system with over 30 warning and over 200 caution messages including associated ECAM actions

3D modelling:

  • Detailled 3d cockpit with animated switches
  • Mouse gesture system for interaction with push-pull knobs emulating the motion on the knob with the mouse
  • Detailled cockpit lighting with reading lights, console light, tray table lights etc.
  • 4 class passenger cabin with underfloor lavatories and crew rest
  • Custom particle effects for engine heat trail, landing gear smoke on touch-down etc. 

Useability features:

  • Situation loading and saving. It is possible to save the flight at any point in time and resume it another day. This can also be used, e.g., to save the position just before approach and practice just the approach many times
  • Autosaving allows recovering where you left off, should the X-Plane session end unexpectedly
  • Jumping waypoint-to-waypoint through the cruise phase: Shorten your flight to focus on the more interesting parts as you like
  • 4 different startup configuration from Cold and Dark to engines running and ready to go
  • In-screen popup displays or use of x-plane windows for popups
  • Adjustable Wingflex via a slider in the ISCS
  • Possibility to turn the screen reflections on and off

Note: ToLiss products only ship with ToLiss liveries and Airbus house liveries. All images are subject to changes due to constant updates of the product.

Not for commercial use. For any commercial use enquiries, please contact!


Detailed conclusion by
"As I mentioned somewhere in this in-depth review, I contacted two real Airbus pilots how this modeled FBW and other systems are programmed and their answer was direct … as real as it gets! One pilot who’s still flying the A340-600 told me that he uses it for his proficiency checks to practice. That said, top notch quality! [..]

Overall I must come to the conclusion that this ultra modern Airbus aircraft has been modeled with love, with passion, typical to ToLiss products."

Read review

Liens supplémentaires vers "ToLiss - Airbus A340-600 XP"
  • X-Plane 12 / X-Plane 11
  • Windows 10 (64 bit), macOS 10.11+ or Linux
  • Min. 4 GB VRAM (8 GB+ recommended)
  • GTX1000 series graphics card or higher (or AMD equivalent)

Version 1.4.0 (Build 1629):
New features:

  • The ISCS is now available in the EFB, once enabled by the user
  • MCDU improvements:
    • CLR command is now indented in scratchpad as in real life
    • DIR TO page prefills the RADIAL IN on the DIR TO page as required
  • ECAM improvement package
    • Overspeed warning now triggers based on actual flap/slat position and not lever position (PFD barber pole is still lever position driven as in real life)
    • Removed duplication of system titles if the same system shows multiple subsequent rows of ECAM messages
    • Weight display logic for SD: Prior to engine start, the dashes are now cyan. Weights now only show after engine start, like in real life
  • FMGS improvement package:
    • Added possibility to use Airport ICAO codes as waypoints
    • Bug fixes for the path computation leading to an overall much stabler path computation in complex procedures
    • Empty flight plan shows as PPOS / Discon rather than just "End of flpn" and can be built up from there
    • VIA selection is now automatic, if there is exactly one VIA that matches the selected FINAL and STAR
    • Constraints of first waypoint in STAR are not dropped anymore
  • New failure modes:
    • Slow and rapid decompression
    • Added high lift failures, including loss of SFCC channels and slats/flaps lock
    • Windshears with both Predictive and Reactive W/S detection and indication
  • Added simulation of trapped hydraulic fluid in asymmetric actuators such as landing gear or spoiler actuators
  • Added pitch influence to the RADALT value, so that the RADALT decreases when you pitch up (like IRL)
  • Added limitation with filtering to the maximum number of waypoints shown on ND when WPT overlay selected
  • Quick starts for engine and APU are now available in the ISCS
  • Mapped flight number to x-plane dataref "sim/cockpit2/radios/actuators/flight_id" for third party plugin interfacing
  • Improved Master Warning flashing frequency
  • Terrain on ND drawing around the airport is now inhibited for areas of same elevation as the airport
  • The guard portion in the flap lever is now separately animated
  • Added CTR to inner tank transfer via AFT pumps if main ctr tank pumps are failed
  • Added selected heading value on ND, if in ARC mode, the heading bug is not visible

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with the date on Wind and Flight plan data printouts
  • Fixed the undesired transparency of the mirror on the cockpit rear wall
  • Fixed deicing animation for the wings
  • Fixed issue with the interaction between the CLR button and the status page
  • Fixed issue with status page overflow
  • The emergency generator now consumes hydraulic fluid
  • The emergency generator now cuts out when the slats are extended
  • The magnetic variation model now updates for the current year
  • Fixed FMA alignment of armed modes and issue with empty boxes
  • Extended the permissible value range for FCU speed window to 399kts and Mach 0.99 like in real life
  • Extended the permissible value range for FCU altitude window to 49000ft like in real life
  • Fixed the width of the green lights on the FCU
  • Fixed behaviour of the FCU HDG managed dot when a managed mode (NAV, LOC, APPR) is armed
  • Fixed shape of the ADF2 needle on the ND
  • Removed GS indication on ND, when the associated ADIRU is OFF or invalid
  • Made the deceleration when descending through the SPD LIM altitude smoother
  • ISI startup correction: QNH is also visible during ISI startup; moved QNH to right location
  • Removed CHG CODE field for other phases than PREFLIGHT or DONE
  • Improved string termination on MCDU string datarefs
  • Fixed an issue with SID route in alternate plan on first alternate plan programming
  • Fixed an issue with waypoints preceded by a discon where the outgoing leg is of the CI/CD/CR/CA or VI/VR/VD type
  • Fixed FMA indication for managed descent on profile with significantly too slow speed
  • Fixed issue with the beta target leading to excessive rudder deflection and spoiler extension on the wrong side
  • Corrected Ctr Tank gravity feed into inner tanks 2 and 3
  • Improved landing gear compression at low weights

Version 1.3.1 (Build 1599):
Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with CTDs when printing documents with 80 chars in one line
  • Fixed the missing Checklist.xml file to prevent crashing of the EFB
  • Retuned the main panel textures and the sidestick textures
  • Fading out of the engine buzzsaw sound at high altitudes is now present

Version 1.3.0 (Build 1598):
New features:

  • Added In-cockpit printer
  • Added new ground service vehicles: Cargo loading, animated deicing, Food trucks and passenger stairs
  • New cockpit textures
  • Added Radio Altimeter faults
  • Added new hydraulic overheat model, including HYD ECAM rework as required
  • FADEC needs 2-3 seconds to power up
  • Popout windows now remain visible in external view
  • Added option to do Pilot Edge ATIS requests
  • Added dependency on respective electrical busses for oil press indication validity
  • Added Shed and Land Recovery information to SD ELEC pages

Bug fixes:

  • Improved bleed pressure at cruise
  • Improved altitude alert logic (C chord and flashing frame)
  • Simbrief wind upload should work again. (Note that it extracts the data from the wind data field, not from the flight plan itself.)
  • Fixed managed speed profile in Go Around after acceleration altitude
  • Removed armed NAV mode when performing a TO without FDs.
  • Prevent overwriting of cruise waypoint wind data when reaching TOC or initiating S/Cs
  • Improved go around engagement logic, to all GA engagement also in climb phase
  • Added 3s timeout when pressing the status page with status "NORMAL"
  • Round metric FCU altitude on PFD to 10m
  • Improved logic for C-chord and altitude frame pulsing
  • Improved Flight Control Computer backup supply logics
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