Welcome to Corpus Christi, Texas! Corpus Christi International Airport is your perfect regional... mehr
Produktinformationen "KCRP - Corpus Christi International Airport XP"
Welcome to Corpus Christi, Texas!
Corpus Christi International Airport is your perfect regional airport getaway. Promising interesting approaches over the beautiful coastlines of Southeastern Texas, this small airport provides you a scenic destination to get away from the business of the larger major airports.
- PBR on buildings and ground textures
- 3d grass (matched color to ortho)
- Full autogate support (all gates are available to spawn)
- Full WT3 and LiveTraffic support
- Custom purchased 4k 0.5 res ortho imagery
- Good/solid FPS on all systems
Weiterführende Links zu "KCRP - Corpus Christi International Airport XP"
- X-Plane 11.50+
- Betriebssystem: Windows, Mac oder Linux
- Grafikkarte 4 GB VRAM (8 GB+ VRAM empfohlen)
- Freier Festplattenspeicher: 2,7 GB
- SAM Plugin erforderlich
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