REX 5 - Sky Force 3D

27,37 € *

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  • AS14288
  • REX Game Studios
  • English
  • 2.6
Sky Force 3D ist eine komplette Überarbeitung der Wetter- und Umwelterlebnisse und bringt... mehr
Produktinformationen "REX 5 - Sky Force 3D"

Sky Force 3D ist eine komplette Überarbeitung der Wetter- und Umwelterlebnisse und bringt neue Dimensionen in FSX, FSX: Steam und Prepar3D:

  • Neue 3D Cloud Modelle und Strukturen für Real-World Cloud Classification
  • Dynamische Synchronisation
  • Neues Cloud SDK (Keine umgedrehten Wolken oder sich wiederholende Wolkenböden)
  • Natürliche fotobasierende Umwelttexturen
  • Neues Weather Engine
  • Integriertes Flight Center
  • Interaktives Mapping System
  • PTA Integration
  • Innovative Sky and Sun Atmospherics
  • Neue Lichteffekte
  • Neue HD Environment Sound Effekte
  • und vieles mehr…

Neue 3D Cloud Modelle und Strukturen - The First In-Flight Sim:

  • Neue Strukturen und SDK, die nach realistischen Wolkenklassifikationen mit eigenen Spezifikationen, Positionen und Höhen strukturiert sind
  • Jede der über 3.000 Wolkenstrukturen wurden anhand realer Wolken entwickelt
  • Neue Wolkenarten, einschließlich: Altocumulus, Stratocumulus, Humilis, Mediocris, Congestus, Tower Cumulus, Cumulonimbus Calvus, Supercell und Rainshaft, Tornado, Stratus, Nimbostratus, Altostratus und Cirrus Class
  • Reales Wolkenmodellsystem mit Wolkenstraßen, Spurzellen, Wandwolken, Funnel, Shelf, Regenschacht und Tornados
  • Neu strukturiertes Wolken SDK für echten Entstehungsrealismus
  • Einzelne Texturvariationen der Wolken, die mehr Abwechslung während einer Flugsession ermöglicht und den Realismus steigert
  • Modellierungen von Sturmstrukturen bis zu einer Höhe von 21 km (70.000 Fuß)

Real-Time Weather Engine:

  • Intelligentes Weather Engine, das weltweit über 70.000 Punkte an Wetterdaten nutzt
  • Liest und interpretiert Live-Modelldaten, um die Atmosphäre zu untersuchen und synchronisiert die entsprechenden Wolkenstrukturen

Neue fotobasierte Natural Environment Texturen und Innovative Sky Atmospheric Effekte:

  • Voll kompatibel mit DX9, DX10 und DX11
  • Auf niedrige und hochwertige Systeme abgestimmt
  • Neue natürliche, fotobasierenden Umgebungstexturen unter Ausnutzung der Möglichkeiten der PTA Integration
  • Neue Techniken sorgen für sanftere, realistischere und natürlichere Himmelsfarben bei Morgen- und Abenddämmerung sowie verbesserte Sichtbarkeit und Nebelbildung
  • Mit VBlend und Vaporous Skies wird eine realistischere, horizontale und vertikale Tages-, Morgen- und Sky Visibility Blending ermöglicht
  • Die Sonnenatmosphäre zeigt filmische Effekte und wird durch das virtuelle Cockpit spürbar
  • Lightning Fast Texture Installation
  • Volles 10-Day Cycle Sky Texture Sets: Wenn Sky Force 3D 10-Day Cycle installiert ist, lädt der Simulator jeden Tag einen anderen Himmelsübergang vom Sonnenaufgang bis zum Sonnenuntergang

PTA Presets Built-In:

  • In Sky Force 3D enthalten und wurde speziell für die Verwendung der Himmeltexturen und atmosphärischen Effekten entwickelt
  • Wird für die Verwendung des Presets benötigt

Flight Center:

  • Einfaches Tool, um Flugpläne einzusehen und das aktuelle Wetter auf einer Route erleben zu können
  • Unterstützt die Standard XML Plandatei von FSX & Prepar3D
  • Export Unterstützung für PFPX

Interaktives Mapping System:

  • Precipitation Overlay – Alle Niederschlagsorte können gesehen werden, diese sehen nicht aus wie gesprenkelte Farbspritzer, sondern wie echte Radar Echoes
  • Winds Overlay – 9 Stufen der Windstärke von bis zu 1 bis 16 km (3.000 - 53.000 Fuß) können angezeigt werden, sodass klügere Entscheidungen für einen besseren Kraftstoffverbrauch getroffen werden kann
  • Temps Overlay – 9 Temperaturstufen von 3.000 bis 53.000 Fuß helfen, potenzielle Bereiche und Stufen von Vereisung und Raufrost zu vermeiden
  • Pireps Overlay – Hiermit können Positionen und Daten von echten Piloten auf der ganzen Welt gelesen werden
  • Sigmets Overlay – Dieses Overlay bietet nicht nur amerikanische, sondern auch globale Sigmet Daten in Echtzeit
  • Metar Overlay – Durch das Herunterladen der lokalen Wetterdaten 6x täglich, erhält man die genaueste Ansicht des aktuellen Wetters
  • Flight Plan Overlay – Wenn ein Flugplan in das Sky Force Flight Center importiert wird, steht eine visuelle Ansicht des Flugplans zur Verfügung
  • Major Airport Overlay – Bietet einen wichtigen Bezugspunkt, um beim Fliegen zu helfen
  • Major Road Overlay – Mehr Details und Hilfe speziell für VFR-Piloten
  • Zoom Feature – Möglichkeit, in die lokale Ebene und auf die regionale Ebene zu zoomen
  • Precip Opacity – Hervorhebung der Niederschlagsechos auf den verschiedenen Karten können reduziert werden
Weiterführende Links zu "REX 5 - Sky Force 3D"
  • Flight Simulator X, FSX: Steam Edition oder Lockheed Martin - Prepar3D V1-V5+
  • Windows 7 oder höher
  • RAM: 8 GB oder höher
  • 30 GB freier Festplattenspeicher
  • Grafikkarte: DirectX 9 oder höher

Internetverbindung für Installation, Registrierung und dem allgemeinen Betrieb erforderlich!

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*HINWEIS: Das spezielle Upgrade-Angebot gilt nur für das Konto, mit dem Sie eine vorherige Version von REX bei Aerosoft erworben haben.

Technical Update 2.6:

  • FIXED – Weather rendering in Enhanced Atmospherics of Prepar3D v5+  
  • FIXED – Auto load of flight plan into Prepar3D v5+  
  • FIXED – Weather engine not injecting weather into P3D v5.2 +
  • FIXED – Error occurring when installing individual textures after resolution options changed
  • FIXED – PMDG wind export throwing error message during creation
  • FIXED – Registry issue with use with Environment Force
  • FIXED – Mapping not showing key weather elements
  • FIXED – Error with splash screen load
  • FIXED – General performance issues
  • IMPROVED - Visibility handling in non-Enhanced Atmospherics weather rendering
  • IMPROVED - Metar weather rendering of the weather engine

Technical Update 2.5:

  • ADDED – Support for Prepar3D v5
  • FIXED – Improved visibility and haze effect rendering for Prepar3D v5
  • FIXED – PMDG wind file missing folder issue
  • FIXED – Optimization risk negative numbers with higher-end graphics cards
  • FIXED – Registration failures
  • FIXED – Cloud brightness modification for Prepar3D v5
  • FIXED – Overcast cloud models for Prepar3D 5 (Non-trueSky™)
  • FIXED – Green bar rendering when disabled
  • FIXED – Backup files will not overwrite with both 64bit and 32bit installed
  • FIXED – Export file not updating
  • FIXED – Export JSON file not being downloaded
  • FIXED – Flight plan not being cleared within the application
  • FIXED – Client connection database error
  • IMPROVED – Rendering moderate rain handling when BR is recognized within the metar report

Technical Update 2.4:

  • Fixed – Mapping upper level winds greater than 100kts depiction
  • Fixed – Upper level winds greater than 100kts with weather injection
  • Fixed – Green bar showing when disabled
  • Fixed – Cloud shader brightness
  • Fixed – Weather briefing connection
  • Added – Function to prevent re-registration after software update
  • Added – Function to save themes to server
  • Added – Function to save user settings to server
  • Added – Functions for preparation of Creative Update 1.0 content
  • Added - Support for PMDG weather file
  • Added – New weather data export json file for 3rd-party developer SDK

Technical Update 2.3 (Build: 5.0.2019.0514):

  • Fixed – Cloud Model In-Sync issue
  • Fixed - Odd cloud patterns
  • Fixed – Error issue with a missing icon
  • Fixed – Network remote computer connection issue
  • Added – New weather rendering engine (Preview)
  • Added – Cloud shader fix to improve cloud coloring
  • Improved – Performance of mapping
  • Improved – Performance of the weather engine

Update 2.2:

  • Fixed – 3D Model Issues
  • Fixed - Performance of weather engine
  • Fixed - Performance of the mapping system
  • Fixed - Performances issues

Update 2:

  • Fixed – Freezing of application when user confirms removal of favorite airport
  • Fixed – Scaling issue with Windows 10
  • Fixed – Overlapping community theme notification
  • Fixed – Notifications causing P3D 4.1 to reload
  • Fixed – Issue of overwriting last entered favorite airport during registration
  • Fixed – CTD issue when some users right-click the interactive map
  • Fixed – Aircraft and precipitation positioning on the map
  • Fixed – Failure when Pilot2Atc flight plan is imported into Sky Force
  • Fixed – Naming conventions for Sun/Atmospherics sets 08 and 13
  • Fixed – “Theme completed” popup when adding a new set
  • Fixed – Issue where weather was not showing in the Weather Center due to foreign date/time
  • Fixed – Searches within the Weather Center for stations/airports not in the database
  • Fixed – Texture sets not showing due to missing folder sets
  • Fixed – .net error messages within the In-Sync Cloud Engine
  • Fixed – Toggle button “Enable Quick Start” not being aligned with other buttons
  • Fixed – Issue where Sky Force was causing P3D to go directly into “Load” mode
  • Fixed – Major jumps of altimeter
  • Fixed – Accuracy of weather injections
  • Fixed – Visibility causing complete reduction including the cockpit
  • Fixed – .net errors with the weather engine
  • Fixed – OAT/TAT/SAT erratic temperatures increasing with altitude
  • Fixed – No weather showing
  • Fixed – Visibility too low for FSX, FSXSE when at 10SM
  • Fixed – Weather injection issue causing errors with GSX and ChasePlane
  • Fixed – Weather engine continuing to inject weather after it was turned off
  • Fixed – In-sim green status bar not showing during weather engine injection
  • Fixed – Network mode for weather injection
  • Fixed – Installer stating “Organization” instead of “Email” during user registration
  • Fixed – Issue with Sky Force working with FSUIPC autosave
  • Fixed – Long named favorite airports cutting off on Favorite Airport panel within the Dashboard
  • Fixed – Sky Force resolution issue with Windows 10
  • Fixed – In-Sim briefing not reporting flight plan data
  • Fixed – In-Sim briefing not showing clouds reported
  • Fixed – Issue with textures sets not being saved when creating themes
  • Fixed – Issue of application hang while changing a theme within the PTA window
  • Fixed – Double popup alert window when installing a preset theme from the PTA window
  • Fixed – Default airport not being saved after restart
  • Fixed – Preventing duplication favorite airports from being added
  • Fixed – Weather not reporting CAVOK properly within the Weather Center
  • Fixed – “Precip” button on the mapping still showing precipitation if turned off
  • Fixed – Latest TAF report is included in the Weather Center data
  • Fixed – Bank numbers did not change when selecting a category in My Saved Themes or Community Shared Themes
  • Fixed – Toggle button within the Engine setting grayed out when not active
  • Fixed – Search for weather stations with winds over 30kts+
  • Fixed – Length of notification text on successful texture install being cut off
  • Fixed – Step 2 grammatical error during registration
  • Fixed – Disabling the In-Sync Cloud function was not disabling all functions
  • Fixed – Disabling the weather engine was not disabling the Refresh Weather button
  • Fixed – Weather engine was showing DISCONNECTED instead of ON. Changed global variable
  • Fixed – Issue where clicking Currently In Sim was causing Sky Force to CTD
  • Fixed – Altitude of roll clouds showing at higher altitudes
  • Fixed – Issue with cirrus not showing
  • Fixed – Weather engine continued to load when disabled
  • Fixed – Load time of weather injections in-sim
  • Fixed – Inaccurate HDR read-only settings per sim type causing textures to not install correctly
  • Fixed – Close icons on system and community notification areas. Incorporated buttons instead of icons as some users would quit the application by mistake.
  • Added – Function to minimize Sky Force to system tray
  • Added – Option to overwrite default backup of flight sim files
  • Added – Fade in/out of generic alert system
  • Added – Function to save latest map settings when application is closed and restarted
  • Added – 3 levels of density related 3D stratus overcast model sets for user control over performance impact
  • Added – 7 levels of density related 3D cumulus overcast model sets for user control over performance impact
  • Added – Feature within the Weather Center to add a custom airport into the database when not found
  • Added – Feature to set default favorite weather station/airport to show in the Weather Center and Favorite Airports
  • Added – View buttons to replace ID numbers within My Themes and Community Themes
  • Added – Better handling of the user’s system profile to help optimize texture resolution
  • Added – Encrypted serial key field to the Profile Settings window
  • Added – Function within General Settings to give the user the ability to start up Sky Force in the system tray
  • Added – Flight sim validation location validation
  • Added – Full support for weather injection for Prepar3D v4.0 users
  • Added – Tool tips rollovers to 3 buttons on top right of main window
  • Added – Weather Refresh button to engine status window
  • Added – Disabling feature when changing between Enable Performance Optimizer and Auto tune
  • Added – Code that prevents duplicate airports from being added to the Favorite Airport list from the Weather Center and Dashboard windows
  • Added – Confirmation of Favorite Airport being added when set from the Weather Center window
  • Added – Download of the metar_report.xml file for ProAtc users
  • Added – Code to prevent users from starting more than one version of Sky Force at a time
  • Added – Examples of the required lat/lon degrees when adding an airport to the database
  • Added – Note to Flight Center details that winds are provided via the GFS model on the 12 and 00Z times
  • Added – Text to Favorite Airports stating to wait patiently as we download data from our servers
  • Added – Text to Most Recent Community Themes stating to wait patiently as we download data from our servers
  • Added – Added new button synchronization window to track aircraft location
  • Added – Disable notifications button for session to community notifications screen
  • Removed – Support for PFPX export flight plans
  • Removed – Additional popup alert when deleting a favorite airport
  • Streamlined – Weather engine
  • Streamlined – Cloud model sync engine
  • Recoded – In-Sim weather briefing
  • Updated – Software User Manual
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